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  • Go 1.19+
  • Operator SDK v1.28.0
  • Bash or equivalent
  • Docker

Run and test operator locally

To run the operator locally on your machine (outside a container), invoke the following make target:

make install run

This will install the CRDs into your cluster, then run the operator on your machine.

To run the unit tests, invoke the following make target:

make test

Build operator

Use the following make target to build the operator. A container image wil be created locally.

The name of the image is specified by the IMG variable defined in the Makefile.

make docker-build

Push the development container image.

Override the name of the image to push by specifying the IMG variable.

make docker-push<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager:latest

Generate the bundle artifacts.

Override the name of the development image by specifying the IMG variable.

rm -fr bundle/
make bundle<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager:latest

Build and push the development bundle image.

Override the name of the bundle image by specifying the BUNDLE_IMG variable.

make bundle-build<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager-bundle:latest
make bundle-push<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager-bundle:latest

Build and push the development catalog image.

Override the name of the catalog image by specifying the CATALOG_IMG variable. Specify the bundle image to include using the BUNDLE_IMG variable

make catalog-build<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager-bundle:latest<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager-catalog:latest
make catalog-push<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager-catalog:latest

Deploy the CatalogSource

Note: Make sure all the images created above(operator, bundle, catalog) are public.

kind: CatalogSource
  name: argo-rollouts-manager-catalog
  sourceType: grpc
  image:<my-org>/argo-rollouts-manager-catalog@sha256:dc3aaf1ae4148accac61c2d03abf6784a239f5350e244e931a0b8d414031adc4 # replace with your catalog image
  displayName: Argo Rollouts Manager
  publisher: Abhishek Veeramalla

Build and Verify RolloutManager Operator Docs


  • Python3

Create a Python Virtual Environment. This is not mandatory, you can continue without creating a Virtual Environment as well.

python3 -m venv doc

Get into the virtual environment, if you have created one using the above step.

source doc/bin/activate

Install the required Python libraries

pip3 install mkdocs
pip3 install mkdocs-material

Start the mkdocs server locally to verify the UI changes.

mkdocs serve

Run the e2e tests.

Please refer the e2e tests usage guide.